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Anthony Oakes


Making everyone laugh their faces off so we can't tell who's pretty or ugly...

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Holding a Microphone

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

Maya Angelou

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Who is Anthony Oakes?

Hailing from North Carolina, Anthony D. Oakes is a District of Columbia resident who is taking comedy and storytelling on the east coast by storm.  A natural comedian, Anthony has hit the ground running.  His clean-esque, yet edgy, southern, intellectual, witty humor will have you reeling with laughter. 

Anthony is a 2021 recipient of DC Mayor Muriel Bowser's prestigious Mayoral Arts Award for Excellence in the Performing Arts. 

Taking the funny to the masses, he was in the 2023 Because They're Funny festival in DC, 2023 DC Comedy Festival, and participant in the 2021 Sixth City Cleveland Comedy Festival, and the 2021 Memphis Urban Laughs Festival. 

He has graced the stages of: The Apollo, The John F. Kennedy Center, The DC Improv, The Broadway,  The Westside, and  The Greenwich Village Comedy Clubs in New York City, The Laugh Factory, Comedy Store, Flappers, and The Ice House Comedy Club in LA.

You can catch him locally at: The DC Improv, DC Drafthouse, The Bier Baron Comedy Loft, Busboys and Poets, and, The Wonderland Ballroom. 

Anthony is currently a show host every first Wednesday of the month for Busboys and Poets 450 K Street NE.  He also produces several comedy shows in the DMV area, like, Seven Black Minutes.  Anthony can be found on all social media outlets.

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Seven Black Minutes: Devine Femininity         March  14, 2025

Busboys and Poets:  Anacostia

DC has always been home to some of the most hilarious Black Comedians from all over the country. We still have them, and they are super ready to share their hilarity with you. All are welcomed to this show. All we ask is that you respect the culture. We are going to have soooooooooo much fun! Food, drinks, and amazing music will set the stage for the comedians to have you reeling with laughter.


This month, we will be honoring the Legendary Dr. Sylvia Traymore Morrison.  She is the first renowned African American Female Impressionist in the history of this country.  She was also one of the first Black female associate writers on the Legendary show Saturday Night Live.  She is a diamond.  We must honor her.  We must celebrate her.  We must cherish our own!​

We will have a Black Culture Game Show, so brush up on your Black History and Pop Culture.

Best Dressed Contest: From streetwear to evening wear to fashion forward, bring us your best outfit. Is it a tux or ball gown? Is it the dopest urban streetwear get-up? We don't care. Whatever it is, it MUST BE FLY! Winner wins $100.

Your comedians are the cream of the crop. Multiple albums, multiple film and television networks, and they have graced some of THEE most legendary comedy stages ever!

Your comedians are: Apple Brown Betty, Liz Barlow, Gwynn Factor, Donna Lewis, Ray Diva, Dlo, and "hosted" by Anthony Oakes.

We will also have a few guest comedians drop in. You never know who it could be!

Seven Black Minutes: Black Time Matters!

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I swear we used to get Easter Monday off...

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